I’m Pretty Sure That Turkey Deserved It

Karma’s, like, a thing that ensures justice for all living things, not just humans, right? What goes around comes around. Oprah said so, and so did Gwyneth Paltrow, though Oprah said it better. So I’m pretty sure that this turkey whose carcass we carved up deserved everything it got.

I mean, I’m not sure what kinds of crimes a turkey might commit. Maybe it was a carjacker, or an attempted carjacker. I know turkeys can’t drive. Come on, that’s silly. But it could still, like, attempt to carjack someone. And an attempted crime is basically the same thing as a regular crime, right? I mean, if you try to rob a bank and don’t get any money, you’ll still be arrested. So I’m pretty sure that even though this bird probably didn’t accomplish all that much evil in its life, it must have tried all kinds of shady shit.

Or maybe it was a reincarnation thing. I know reincarnation isn’t in the Bible, but that’s just for people, right? It just makes sense that animals have a different thing going. Maybe it was some kind of serial killer tiger, or one of those birds that drops a rock on bald people’s heads because it thinks they’re a turtle, or maybe just a raccoon that was like a total asshole. You know what jerks those little trash pandas can be, don’t you? That seems more likely. The turkey itself may not have had much chance to commit any crimes while cooped up in a turkey farm, but it must have been paying for something serious in a past life.

I wonder if its ghost is watching me pick meat off these bones to save for that chili I’m gonna make Sunday. It’s probably judging me, because I’m crap at this and anyway the recipe comes off the back of a chili mix packet, and it’s not even name brand, it’s a Kroger brand mix. That’s right, bird, your ultimate fate is to be ineptly picked to bits so you can be dumped in a crock pot with supermarket brand chili spices and then people probably won’t eat it anyway.

Stupid turkey.

Turkey Trot Runners Just All Agree To Pretend They Ran

The Turkey Trot is a peculiarly American custom in which people choose a day notable for overeating to go on a five kilometer run. For residents of the town of Plemmons Ohio, this seeming contradiction led to a mutual truce and agreement to just pretend they all ran.

“I think the idea is to claim you’re working off the 4,000 calorie meal you eat,” said Hannah Jackson. “Running the Trot allows you to have that extra slice of pie, or plate of stuffing, or mac and cheese. Mmm. Mac and cheese.”

As the American holiday has – like most American holidays – spread to the days before and after, the idea of running on Thursday morning appeals less and less to people, however.

“We were off work Wednesday, and I’ve already been to one Friendsgiving and a party that featured holiday-themed Jell-O shots,” said Jackson. “I got out my running shoes Thanksgiving morning and just felt like barfing.”

The decision to not run was a spontaneous one, which gained traction as, when the starting bell rang, every runner lined up simply sighed and looked around to see who was going to start first.

“Usually, there’s that one guy who starts, and then everyone else feels guilty, so they grudgingly trot forth,” said Turkey Trot organizer Gavin MacDermott. “I guess that one guy slept in today.”

Race organizers eventually just passed out the medals for completing the race, as runners milled around long enough so they could reasonably claim to their families that they’d run.

“Still having the extra mac and cheese,” said Jackson. “It’s the thought that counts, right?”

Ten Tips for Surviving Thanksgiving With Your Batshit Crazy Family

Thanksgiving is around the corner: the one time of year when you are expected to show up and share a meal with people in your extended family you can’t stand. The uncle who hasn’t taken off his MAGA hat since August 2016. The judgmental religious cousin who questions your life choices both explicitly and implicitly with virtually every word and gesture. Hell, even your mom wants you to explain the tax bill in ‘simple terms she can understand.’ So what’s a hungry millennial to do?

We’ve got you covered. Exhaustive research by the professionals at the Canard Press newsroom has come up with the following seven no-fail tips to help you get through the day.

  1. Vodka.
  2. Tequila.
  3. Bourbon.
  4. Scotch.
  5. Beer, if you start drinking on Monday.
  6. Wine, but only in very large quantities.
  7. Don’t go. Seriously. You can’t cook your own damn turkey and stuffing? They sell turkey, like, 12 months a year. It’s not like it’s some rare product only available in November. And who even likes turkey? It’s basically a big fucking chicken. Close your eyes, taste them both, and tell me if you can tell the difference.

As for Black Friday, you’re on your own. Sorry.